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Teaching at Udemy
Education is one of the most important asset to be gained nowadays. Check out Udemy Courses coures on Kubenretes and Helm at AWS and Scaleway.
Learn Kubernetes Docker/DevOps and helm charts from scratch
Learn starting Kubernetes by using kubeadm - write two microservices (backend and frontend apps), dockerize them and write you own helm charts. Backend app
Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment
Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment with practical HELM CHART examples
Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS
Learn AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service leveraging Terraform and Devops like development approach
Learn Devops Kubernetes deployment by kops and terraform
All big cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, Azure have already more or less adopted Kubernetes as a part of their portfolio and services. Kubernetes and Docker containers altogether create an ideal ecosystem for deploying micro services - which seems to be the model for next generation applications. The main goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive explanation to the people who are truly willing to deep dive in Kubernetes and Docker world and perhaps aspiring for DevOps carrier. In order to achieve this goal I have decided to use NGINX web server examples throughout this course - just because year back I was amazed by value which is delivered by web server itself. Imagine that every business in the world is serving their content via some kind of this powerful piece of software. Nowadays, we can take an advantage of deploying and scaling of docerized mainly Open Source web servers to Kubernetes at any cloud provider you can think of.I hope you guys are going to enjoy this course and I am certain that anybody is more than good enough to complete this course. Crossed fingers and which you the best!
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