post image :date_long | 1 min Read

Go explore ResponseWriter and Request

package main

import (

var tpl *template.Template

func init() {
	tpl = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("index.gohtml"))

type pes int

func (p pes) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	err := r.ParseForm()
	if err != nil {

	data := struct {
		Method         string
		URL            *url.URL
		Submissions    map[string][]string
		Header         http.Header
		Host           string
		ContentLength  int64
		Method: r.Method,
		URL: r.URL,
		Submissions: r.Form,
		Header: r.Header,
		Host: r.Host,
		ContentLength: r.ContentLength,

	for k, v := range r.Header {
		fmt.Printf("[%v]: %v\n", k, v)


	for k, v := range r.Form {
		fmt.Printf("Form data: [%v]: %v\n", k, v)

	w.Header().Set("X-Custom-Header", "this is go")
	tpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.gohtml", data)


func main() {
	var styriPesa pes
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", styriPesa)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Input Type Submit</title>

{{if .}}
    <p><strong>variable names</strong> (identifiers) and <em>values</em>:</p>
    {{range $key, $value := .Submissions}}
            <ul>{{range $value}}<li><em>{{.}}</em></li>{{end}}</ul>

    <p><strong>variable names</strong> (identifiers) and <em>values</em>:</p>
    {{range $key, $value := .Header}}
            <ul>{{range $value}}<li><em>{{.}}</em></li>{{end}}</ul>

{{if .URL}}


<form action="/?fname=James&lname=Jou" method="POST">
        <input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="first name" autofocus autocomplete="off">
        <input type="submit" name="submit-btn" value="onda button">


author image

Jan Toth

I have been in DevOps related jobs for past 6 years dealing mainly with Kubernetes in AWS and on-premise as well. I spent quite a lot …

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