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Go switch statement

package main

import (
	// "strconv"
	// "math"
	// "reflect"
	// "math"

func simpleSwitch()  {
	switch 212 {
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:
		fmt.Printf("something else!\n")


func severalOptionSwitch()  {
	switch 4 {
	case 1, 5, 10:
		fmt.Printf("one, five and ten\n")
	case 2, 4, 6:
		fmt.Printf("two, four, six\n")
		fmt.Printf("another number\n")

func initializerSwitch()  {
	// tag syntax

	switch i := 2 + 3; i {
	case 1, 5, 10:
		fmt.Printf("one, five and ten\n")

	case 2, 4, 6:
		fmt.Printf("two, four, six\n")
		fmt.Printf("another number\n")


func switchWithoutCondition()  {
	// tagless syntax
	i := 10
	switch {
	case i <= 10:
		fmt.Printf("less than or equal to ten\n")
		// be very carefull about this word "fallthrough" because
		// it is mindless and you take the responsibility
		// you do not use this very often!!!
		// ...
		// fallthrough
		// ...
	case i <= 20:
		fmt.Printf("less than or equal to twenty\n")
		fmt.Printf("greater than twenty\n")


func switchUsingInterface()  {
	// var i interface{} = 2
	// var i interface{} = 2.0
	// var i interface{} = "two"
	// var i interface{} = [3]int{}
	var i interface{} = map[string]int{}

	switch i.(type) {
	case int:
		fmt.Printf("i is an int (%T)\n", i)
	case float64:
		fmt.Printf("i is float64 (%T)\n", i)
	case string:
		fmt.Printf("i is a string (%T)\n", i)
	case [3]int:
		fmt.Printf("i is an [3]int (%T)\n", i)
		fmt.Printf("i is another type (%T)\n", i)

func exitSwitchEarly()  {
	var i interface{} = 2
	// var i interface{} = 2.0
	// var i interface{} = "two"
	// var i interface{} = [3]int{}
	// var i interface{} = map[string]int{}

	switch i.(type) {
	case int:
		fmt.Printf("i is an int (%T)\n", i)
		// if you do now want to execute code below
		// within this matched "case" -> please use "break" statement
		fmt.Printf("I do not want to execute this part i is an int (%T)\n", i)

	case float64:
		fmt.Printf("i is float64 (%T)\n", i)
	case string:
		fmt.Printf("i is a string (%T)\n", i)
	case [3]int:
		fmt.Printf("i is an [3]int (%T)\n", i)
		fmt.Printf("i is another type (%T)\n", i)

func main() {
	// simpleSwitch()
	// severalOptionSwitch()
	// initializerSwitch()
	// switchWithoutCondition()
	// switchUsingInterface()
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Jan Toth

I have been in DevOps related jobs for past 6 years dealing mainly with Kubernetes in AWS and on-premise as well. I spent quite a lot …

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