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Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1)
Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1) Starting AWS EKS cluster manually in AWS web console
Read MoreProtect Kubernetes node metadata
Deny all traffic to google’s metadata server Study this rule carefully - it takes time to understand it :)
Read MoreKubernetes dashboard
Kubectl proxy creates a proxy server between localhost and the Kubernetes API Server uses connection as configured in the kubeconfig Run kubectl proxy command at your master node cks-master Kubectl port-forward Install kubenretes dashboard kubectl apply -f https://raw.
Read MoreKubernetes Ingress
Services in Kubernetes ClusterIP (points to a pod via labels selectors) NodePort (in addition a port is exported at each node) Loadbalancer (in addition creates LB at cloud provider) Deploy Nginx ingress controller # Install NGINX Ingress kubectl apply -f https://raw.
Read MoreHow to count numbers from pdf
user@machine tax2021 % for i in $(ls *.pdf); do \ pdftotext $i - | grep -E '^\+.
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