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Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1)

Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1) Starting AWS EKS cluster manually in AWS web console

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CKS Kubernetes CNI

Container infor passed by kubelet to stdin of CNI bash plugin CNI_CONTAINERID=b552f9.

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Podman commands

Assuming there are more containers running in a single Podman pod some backend service 9011 phpMyAmdin at port 80 (interpreted by Apache2 inside container) podman create --restart=always --pod=some-pod-name --name=phpmyadmin -e PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI="https://some.

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How to transfer gitlab calculated variable into trigger section

One has to used artifacts section combined with reports child keyword and save a variable with its value to build.

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Kaniko is a tool to build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster.

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CKS run kubernetes with cri-o

How to run Kubernetes with cri-o OS=xUbuntu_20.04 CRIO_VERSION=1.23 echo "deb https://download.

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CKS simulator

k get pods -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.nodeName}{"\t\t\t\t"}{.spec.containers[*].image}{"\t"}{"\n"}{end}' | sort | grep cluster1-worker1

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