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Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1)
Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1) Starting AWS EKS cluster manually in AWS web console
Read MoreCKS Restrict API server
There is an flag when starting kube-aoiserver called: kube-apiserver --anonymous-auth=true|false The default value for this option is true because some liveness and readiness probes needs it.
Read MoreJenkins seed
sudo nerdctl run --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/initial.xml:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/seed/config.xml -v $PWD/controller-configuration-jobDSL-orig.
Read MoreCKS serviceaccount
SesrviceAccount (SA) are namespaces SA “default” in every namespace automatically mounted to a pod can be used to talk to Kubernetes API k create sa accessor k run accessor --image=nginx:alpine -o yaml --dry-run=client > accessor.
Read MoreKubernetes RBAC
There are namespaced and non namespaced resources in Kubernetes. Role (namespaced) -> RoleBinding ClusterRole (non namespaced) -> ClusterRoleBinding Be extra careful with ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding because these are not only assigned to currently existing namespaces but also to namespaces created in future.
Read MoreVerify binaries
One has to compare the binary version which is currently running at the Kubernetes master and later on find out the PID of kubelet process.
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