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Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1)

Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1) Starting AWS EKS cluster manually in AWS web console

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How to pass --url-query to curl

This is a nice way how to multiline query parameters when using curl

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How to deduplicate elements using jq

####### Input file some: awesome: members: - green - yellow - blue - red - green ####### Deduplication

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How to select entries with sso_team_id using jq

Goal How to choose only records that have sso_team_id key defined?

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How to GCP Private Service Connect PSC between two VPCs within different projects

Create 2 new GCP Projects in Free Tier Account gcloud projects create consumer-cmd --name="consumer-cmd" --enable-cloud-apis gcloud projects create producer-cmd --name="producer-cmd" --enable-cloud-apis # verify creation [arch:devopsinuse main()U] gcloud projects list PROJECT_ID NAME PROJECT_NUMBER .

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How to detect duplicates using jq

yq -o=json eval data/aaa/bbb.yaml | jq '.ldap.ldap.members | group_by(.) | map(select(length>1) | .

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GCP PCA certification notes

Using multiple gcloud configurations/profile v ~/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_profile1 ... [core] custom_ca_certs_file = /Users/AAAA/Documents/proxyCA.

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